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001 From Now On!


"People are animals that deceive themselves. We have endured a lot of useless suffering and wasted a lot of time." --- Wang Xiaobo





深深的怀念2004年左右的MySpace,那时候每发一篇文章,都会想尽办法的搜罗代码把自己的空间弄漂亮点儿,有的时候是换个背景色 ,有的时候插入一条MP3链接。来往的都是天南海北的陌生人,关注的多是离我家乡遥远,来自南方或是异乡,让人心之向往的年轻人。还有2008年那时的摄影网站POCO,像极了Web版的朋友圈。我们,一群早期掌握了PS/AI等修图制图技巧的摄影师/摄影爱好者们,因为彼此的影像创作互相吸引,又因为从陌生到熟悉的一次次交谈而逐渐亲近,成为遥远的朋友。编辑功能设置上也沿袭了Myspace时代的很多玩法,一样可以在自己的作品下通过代码编辑作品的颜色和布局,更加人性化的实现打开作品页面就自动播放你为照片主题选好的音乐链接,就像现在打开各种发布后台编辑器看到的样子差不多...我还发过一个帖,点住鼠标左键轻轻划过,就会在黑色的背景中显露出偷偷被我藏起的白色诗句。每年年终岁尾时大家会集体回忆过往,制作土味影像贺卡,点名感谢每一个伙伴彼此陪伴的又一年,也会在三十儿那天激动的跑去每一个圈中好友那里留言祝好;有人离开或是换去新的城市工作时,也会在好友的地盘儿下偷偷留下一行不起眼的小字,潇洒作别。那时候,好像未来的日子怎么走都是上坡路,人人都相信未来会更好。就像朴树在98年New Boy中唱到的那样

”是的 我看见到处是阳光






快来吧 奔腾电脑


This is a serious, earnest, and lazy space. It's a place that enjoys procrastination, indulges in deliberation, and fantasizes about freedom. I've always wanted a place like this, compared to the orderly routine of studying and living, it's like accidentally taking a wrong turn on the way to school, wandering through the streets and alleys covered in faded advertisements from some unknown era, depicting the beautiful scenes of life back then, and hand-written calligraphy training pamphlets.

Perhaps it's because of being away from home and the impact of more than a year of working from home, I often feel confused and unreal when I open my social media feed. Thinking about the long passage of time, the distant distances, and the many things that I love or hate, but are arranged neatly in a circle and sorted alphabetically, combined with the complex relationships between them, most of the words that come to my lips are swallowed silently. The texts I wrote were never published. Perhaps, the super algorithms and overwhelming instant feedback have already made me lose my sense of direction. I don't know when, but gradually, I lost the desire for independent expression and the inexplicable expectations when receiving texts from friends. (The comment section with a few words is more like a static barrage, can it be equivalent to negligible communication in 0.5 seconds between us?)

I deeply miss MySpace around 2004. At that time, every time I posted an article, I would try my best to gather code to make my space look beautiful, sometimes changing the background color, and sometimes inserting an MP3 link. The people coming and going were strangers from all over the world, most of them far away from my hometown, from the south, or from a foreign land, young people that filled me with longing. There was also POCO, the photography website in 2008, which was very much like a web version of a social media feed. We, a group of early photographers/photography enthusiasts who mastered photo editing and graphic design techniques such as Photoshop and Illustrator, were attracted to each other's visual creations, and through conversations that went from strangers to acquaintances, we gradually became distant friends. The editing features also followed many of the gameplay elements from the MySpace era. You could use code to edit the colors and layout of your works, and there was a more user-friendly feature where the music link you selected for the photo theme would automatically play when opening the work page, similar to what you see now in various publishing back-end editors... I even posted a thread where, when you hovered the mouse over it and lightly swiped, white lines of poetry hidden by me would appear on the black background. At the end of each year, we would collectively recall the past, create tacky image greeting cards, and individually thank each partner for another year of companionship. On the “30th day”, we would excitedly go to each friend's circle to leave messages and well wishes. When someone left or moved to a new city for work, they would secretly leave inconspicuous lines of farewell on their friend's page, bidding farewell gracefully. It felt like no matter how we walked in the future, it was an uphill road, and everyone believed that the future would be better. Just like what Pu Shu sang in "New Boy" in 1998:

"Yes, I see the sunshine everywhere

Happiness floats above the city

The new world comes like a dream"

But today, most of the experiences seem to come from another line in a song:

"Wear new clothes, cut a new hairstyle

Relax with WINDOWS98

Come on, Intel computer

Let them think for me"


在天才捕手计划的一篇故事中读到过一段让人熟悉,但放在今天又有点陌生的说法。“著名心理学家巴甫洛夫,用狗做了这样一个实验:每次给狗送食物以前打开红灯(我念书时看到的好像是说摇铃铛,维基百科中有人指出,在记录中他使用了包括哨子、节拍器、音叉和一些视觉上的刺激,1994年,卡塔尼亚对巴甫洛夫是否曾在实验中使用过铃铛声表示怀疑。不过这些,都不重要~)过段时间,铃声一响,狗就开始分泌唾液。这道理放在人身上也适用,总在一种固定行为中获得好处,以后每次遇到选择,都会重复这一固定行为,久而久之,就没有别的可能了。值得警惕的是,被套上枷锁以后,能够将其解下的,不是别人,只能靠我们自己。我们对生活中的事实和真相理解得越透彻,就越会对那个“逗狗”的红灯而感到警惕。”当然,很可能你早有类似思考,也可能在你身上压根儿就没有出现过这样的问题,又或者在 Netflix 的 Social delimma,或是黑镜,甚至是更加古早的世界奇妙物语的某些剧集中,你早已对我今天所讲述的这些老生常谈嗤之以鼻。总之,这些都不重要。重要的是自觉生活一成不变,平凡往复的人,想要跳脱这种“西西弗斯式的” 活在永无止境的日常里的人,可以如何改变未来?

In a story I read in the Genius Catcher Plan, there was a passage that sounded familiar but seemed a bit unfamiliar in today's context. "The renowned psychologist Pavlov conducted an experiment with dogs: every time before feeding the dogs, he would turn on a red light (when I read about this story firstly, it seemed to say ringing a bell, but someone pointed out in Wikipedia that in his records, he used various stimuli including whistles, metronomes, tuning forks, and some visual cues. In 1994, Catania expressed doubt about Pavlov's use of bells in his experiments. But these details are not important~) After a while, when the bell rang, the dogs started salivating. This principle also applies to humans. If we consistently receive benefits from a particular behavior, whenever faced with a choice, we will repeat that same behavior. Over time, there will be no other possibilities. What's worth noting is that the only ones capable of removing the chains that bind us are ourselves, not others. The more deeply we understand the facts and truths of life, the more wary we will be of that "bell" that entices the dog." Of course, it's highly likely that you have already pondered similar thoughts, or perhaps you have never encountered such a question in your own life, or maybe in Netflix's "The Social Dilemma," or "Black Mirror," or even in some episodes of the older "Amazing Stories" series, you have long scoffed at what I am telling you today. Regardless, those details are not important. What matters is how someone who consciously lives a stagnant and repetitive life, wanting to break free from this "Sisyphean" existence in an endless routine, can change the future, just like "True Man" in the True Man's World.

我以为,即便拥有了要解下自身枷锁的念头,能够采取行动,尤其是行之有效的行动也绝非一件简单的事。比如我,就经常会拿生活的琐碎和工作的零零种种做借口来拖延真正的实施任何改变,最长惯用的自我安慰手法就是不断的提醒自己一些还未发生的可能性问题,比如 “你还没想周全啊,写的不好以后别人挑出毛病怎么办啊?" 诸如此类,劝导自己什么都不用去做的话。总之,二月份注册好了网站和个人公众号在做好了一切前期准备之后,我又迅速安逸的躺平了,重新投入到似乎永无止境,日复一日,循环往复的日常生活中去。一晃,2021年的整个春天就这样无声无息的过去了... 再拖下去,怕是会像之前所有那些曾经令我怦然心动,却从未再被提起的想法一样,无声消逝了吧。所以,此时时刻,我再一次打开了编辑器,决定在念头和决心还未消散之前,一切都还没准备好,预期不明前途也未卜的情况下,就从现在开始!一路小跑的奔向,这条通往神秘未来的小岔路。

I thought that even with the intention to break free from my own shackles, taking action, especially effective action is by no means a simple task. For example, I often use the trivialities of life and the various aspects of work as excuses to procrastinate implementing any real changes. My most common self-comforting method is constantly reminding myself of potential problems that haven't even occurred yet, such as 'What if you haven't thought it through? What if others find fault with your writing?' and so on, persuading myself not to do anything. In short, after registering the website and personal public account in February and completing all the necessary preparations, I quickly settled comfortably and plunged back into the seemingly endless, day-to-day, repetitive routine of work life. In the blink of an eye, the entire spring of 2021 passed silently... If I continue to procrastinate, I'm afraid it will disappear silently like all those ideas that once thrilled me but were never mentioned again. Therefore, at this moment, I once again open the editor and decide that before the thoughts and determination dissipate, even though everything is not yet ready and the future is uncertain, I will start now! I will sprint along this detour that leads to a mysterious future.


2021- 06 -18 10:58


德岛县木头村位于四国的中央地区,是日本降雨量最大的地方。同时,它稀有自然资源丰富,但它和其他地区一样,是一个边缘村庄,它的大小大约是东京的一个区,只拥有大约1000人左右的人口。当地企业KITO DESIGN HOLDINGS启动了以文化的力量复兴小村庄--“Kito Village”的项目,并创建了未来便利店作为其枢纽设施。“未来”的命名来自漫画家手冢治虫,他把孩子称为“从未来来的未来人”。以“未来”命名,是希望这里可以成为一个让孩子们得到快乐和希望的地方,让他们更好地成长。祝愿每个人都能成为从未来来的未来之人,找到只属于你的那盏希望之光 🚀✨

"Kito Village" in Tokushima Prefecture is located in the central region of Shikoku, Japan. It is the area with the highest rainfall in Japan. Additionally, it possesses rare and abundant natural resources. However, like other regions, it is a remote village with a population of approximately 1,000 people, about the size of one district in Tokyo. Local company KITO DESIGN HOLDINGS initiated a project called "Kito Village" to revitalize the small village through the power of culture, and they established a future convenience store as its central facility. The name "future" comes from the manga artist Osamu Tezuka, who referred to children as "future people from the future." Naming it "future" is a hope that this place can become a source of happiness and hope for children, allowing them to grow better. May everyone become a future person from the future and find the light of hope that belongs only to you. 🚀✨

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