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Introduction To set the tone for this topic, I'd like to share three personal anecdotes about "myself & time" that occurred during my teenage years, spanning from kindergarten to high school. If any of these tales resonate with you and you'd like to share similar experiences or thoughts, please don't hesitate to drop a comment below or reach out through the provided BB-CALL mail box.



第一个故事 吃面条


有天下午,我姐下课回来,在厨房煮了一大碗香喷喷的汤面,我看了眼馋就说,“姐,我饿”。她用小碗拨出一份给我,坐下来一起吃。我拿起筷子夹了一大口就往嘴里塞,“哇”的一声被烫出了眼泪,面卡在嘴里悬在半空,吃不进也吐不出。我姐笑呵呵的歪头看我,边吃她的面边跟我说,"信不信,我一根一根的吃会比你先吃完?" 我咬着面当下就表示我不信。她说那咱俩比比,然后不紧不慢的又挑起一根面呲溜一下吸进去。我也赶紧加快了大口塞,大口吐的恶心操作。不多一会儿,我姐就吃完了她那一大碗面,还喝干了汤,笑着洗碗去了,留下弱小无助的我和惨不忍睹的半碗面。

The First Story: Eating Noodles

When I was young, my parents went away to study abroad, so I grew up with my older siblings and relatives for many years. I was the most spoiled child in my family before my younger sister was born. One day, my sister cooked a delicious bowl of noodles when she come back from school. I was hungry and asked for some, so she scooped out a small portion and we sat down to eat. Excitedly, I took a big bite and burned my tongue, making tears stream down my face. The noodle was stuck in my mouth, so I couldn't swallow or spit it out. My sister looked at me with a smile, saying let's make a competition to see who can finish eating first. I ate very fast and messily way, but my sister still finished first in a slow but continuous way, even slurping up all the soup. She smiled and went to clean up, and I was left with a sad half-bowl of noodles.

第二个故事 数学题

我是一个做数学题很慢很慢很慢的人,初中时班里做数学卷子,全班的收卷标准是老师在过道中间突然站定问我“ XX,写完了么?”每到这时,还没写完或自觉还没检查够的同学就会眼巴巴的望向我,等着被同样没写完的我宣判。这导致我的整个初中时期在做数学卷子时,除了要专心对付题目,还要背负着随时被数学老师Cue到,帮助她宣判是否马上结束考试的使命。这件事时常让我左右为难,说答完了吧,感觉会自己剥夺了还没答完同学们最后一击的权利;说没答完,又感觉偷走了原本就无心恋战,盼着去操场上多玩几分钟的同学们的时间。那时的我隐隐约约的感觉到,原来时间,对不同的人来说可以意味着很多种选择和可能,有人也许半小时就可以完成你两倍时间都做不好的事情;也有人下了课,从来不会出去玩。

The Second Story: Math Work

I am someone who takes their time when it comes to math work. When I was in junior high school, during math exams, the teacher's standard for collecting papers was to suddenly stand in the middle of the aisle and ask me, "XX, are you finished writing?" Every time this happened, classmates who hadn't finished writing or felt they hadn't checked enough would eagerly look at me, waiting for me to pronounce judgment. This caused me, so many times, to not only focus on dealing with the math problems but also bear the burden of being constantly called upon by the math teacher. This situation often left me in a dilemma. If I said I had finished, it felt like I was depriving my classmates, who hadn't finished yet, of their chance to strike a final blow. If I said I hadn't finished, it felt like I was stealing time from my classmates who wanted to play a few more minutes on the playground, as they were already down with the paper. During that time, I vaguely felt that time could mean many different choices and possibilities for different people. Some people could perhaps never successfully finish some of the specific tasks no matter how many hours they pay, while others would never go out to play even if they've already finished the tasks.

第三个故事 漫画比赛


Story Three: Comic Contest

One of my former desk mates in primary school, Tao, was a child who knew from a young age that he loved art. Influenced by him, I would often scribble random little things in my notebook. This habit remained unchanged until I graduated from primary school and entered junior high, and I continued doodling all the way through high school. During that time, I drew characters like Liuchuan Feng and Jay Chou for the girl next door in the neighbour class. I also illustrate foreign coins for a friend who loved collecting coins. I designed class uniforms for our class and even drew numerous fictional characters and stories from my own dreams. However, most of these were personal and random experiences, and once I finished drawing, they were quickly forgotten.

One day, as the only person in the class who still scribbled and doodled in high school time, I was enthusiastically recommended by the class monitor to participate in the school's first comic contest. My high school had eighteen classes, and one or two students from each class participated. It was the first time I saw so many people who loved drawing like me in one classroom, as well as a variety of coloured pencils and markers from brands I had never seen before. That time, I prepared my manuscript in advance and brought two new pencils. I worked hard to make so many details in my painting and was satisfied with the result. With five minutes remaining, I casually took a piece of scrap paper and based on a phrase I saw in a magazine, I quickly drew a simple comic sketch.

Later, when the results were announced, the scrap paper I drew in those five minutes appeared in the showcase on the first floor of the school as an award-winning work. The class monitor, who had a look at both of my drawings in the contest, asked our art teacher, who was also the only judge for the competition, why my drawing, which took a long time, wasn't selected. The teacher gave a very quick and simple answer: it's more interesting.


记忆中那个美术老师从来都没给我们上过让我们实操画画的课,也许是他觉得并不重要。不过他每次来上课时都会穿戴齐一整套不同时期不同国家的古着军装,然后给我们讲这套衣服背后的历史背景或者东拉西扯点他知道的稀奇古怪的故事,总之说的非常好笑就跟脱口秀一样,我们每次都当相声听,一直笑到下课。我们那所高中的校服是沈阳公认最有特色的,很多同学都是部队大院的子弟,现在你在网上搜一下就能看到这样一段关于她的介绍 --- “沈阳120中学校园非常漂亮,百花齐放,丁香花银杏树油菜花,似乎年年都在栽树。一二零是军事化管理,学生都穿类似军装的校服,而且一代又一代地穿下去。”

Easter Egg: Shenyang's Most Beautiful School Uniform of 2016

I remember that the art teacher never gave us practical drawing technic lessons. Perhaps he didn't think it was important. However, every time he came to class, he would wear a complete set of vintage military uniforms from different countries and different eras. He would then tell us the historical background of the outfit or share some strange and interesting stories he knew, which were always very funny, like a comedy show. We would treat it as a stand-up comedy routine and laugh until the end of class. The school uniform in our high school was recognized as the most distinctive in Shenyang. Many of our classmates were children of military families. If you search online, you can find an introduction about it like this: "Shenyang No. 120 High School has a beautiful campus, with various flowers such as lilacs, ginkgo trees, and rapeseed flowers. It seems that new trees are planted every year. The students wear uniforms similar to military attire, which has been passed down from generation to generation." Thanks to my art teacher, who wears the uniform, in a so different way.

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