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The Project Background

There are more and more office spaces, more and more screen time, and more and more people keep physically inactive in the office. The World Health Organization has listed Insufficient physical inactively as the 4th leading risk factor for mortality. While many approaches have been aimed at reducing the problem of prolonged sitting, they often focus on specific aspects from the research or technology provider's perspective that are not always user-centered or contextualized. Therefore, there is a need for a specific approach that takes into account the various factors that contribute to physical inactivety in office workers. In the previous study, we proposed a conceptual framework aims to combine the four key factors of the COM-B behavior change model with our research findings to provide a more comprehensive and contextualized solution to this problem. (CHI EA '23: Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing SystemsApril 2023Article No.: 24Pages 1–7,

The Workplace Vitality Mapping Kits

This project introduces a creative approach aimed at empowering desk-bound occupational groups to address the issue of physical inactivity at workplaces. The approach involves a gamified toolkit “Workplace Vitality Mapping” (see Figure 1) designed to encourage self-reflection on sedentary contexts and foster the envision of physical vitality scenarios. This hybrid toolkit comprises two main components: A Card Game (on-site) for context reflection and a Co-design Canvas (Online) for co-designing vitality solutions. Through the card games, participants reflect on key sedentary contexts, contemplating their preferable physical vitality scenarios with relevant requirements. The co-design canvas facilitates the collaborative construction and discussion of vitality scenarios' development. The perceptions and interactions of the proposed toolkit from the target group were studied and observed through a hybrid workshop, which demonstrated promising results in terms of promoting participants' engagement experience in contextual reflections and deepening their systemic understanding to tackle the physical inactivity issue. As physical inactivity becomes an increasingly pressing concern, this approach offers a promising participatory way for gaining empathetic insights toward community-level solutions.

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