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005 CHI23 Visual Diary - Sparkling Projects, Heroes from the Past, and the Uncertain Future


Photo from: @fotoduda @weimin chu @xiang yu

A famous Japanese fashion designer Yohji Yamamoto said that the "self" thing is invisible, bumping into something else, bouncing back, will understand "self", so when you collide with something very strong, something terrible, something of a very high standard, and then you know what "you" are, this is the self. Well, at CHI23, I feel like being a rolling stone all the way. It’s indeed making it more clear to me who I am and what I'm working for. I feel like I'm experiencing some kind of super cool and boundary-free way of being innovative and educated.

Below are three interesting projects on my honorable list.

No1: No Pie in the (Digital) Sky: Co-Imagining the Food Metaverse. Given the importance of food in our daily lives, the research team asks: how will our relationships with food be transformed by the metaverse, and what are the promises and pitfalls of this technology? I love this research because I see so many possibilities for the metaverse to combine healthy eating with the food industry, and even started to imagine a metaverse for AH's healthy food exploration.

No2: Hybrid Collaboration for the Meeting Room. It's a simple yet practical demonstration: they connect a virtual meeting room and a traditional meeting room using a hybrid whiteboard. At the same time, individuals in the physical meeting room can view virtual models demonstrated by the VR presenter through tablets or cell phones.

No3: Towards a Bedder Future: A Study of Using Virtual Reality while Lying Down.

The reason for the selection, I never thought it could be like this!

As a design researcher born in the 80s, I've lived through different phases of design - from object-focused, to experience-focused, to today's system-focused approach. One exhibition that left a lasting impression on me was the Mouse Museum (on a desk), which brought me back to an era when technology was full of possibilities and people around me are so diverse and different (especially considering I come from China, and we have 56 ethnic groups). Recently, a photo from Weimin Chu on WORLD PRESS PHOTO 2023 caught my attention, showing a glimmer room in an abandoned apartment, (the apartment may never be finished for some reason, but some residents who already paid for it try to make their life there with a solar lamp).

It's like a metaphor for the nowadays tech-booming era, where artificial intelligence is advancing by leaps and bounds while the entire system is facing hidden crises. As a member of the systemic change group, I often feel that my research, although unrelated to the shiny tech, is closely linked to these unlit rooms (people and their living context). Sometimes, our work results may not be visible or tangible, but they are also good designs in my mind, wish I'm still on the right track, and let's do better in the future, my dear systemic change group.





2:会议室的混合协作。这是一个简单而实用的演示原型:flat frog团队使用数字白板将虚拟会议室和传统会议室连接起来。同时,物理会议室的参与者可以通过平板电脑或手机查看VR参会者在数字空间里所展示的虚拟模型。



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